Helping You To Become A Good Steward
Recognizing that everything we have belongs to God and is entrusted to our care, Calvary members lead the call to joyfully share our God-given time, talents, and treasures. We willingly share our gifts both in the church and with the world.
We are all endowed with unique gifts and talents from our Lord. These talents are not all the same. God does not give out these gifts equally. Therefore, we need to discover what specific gifts or talents that God has given to each of us and then use them to His glory! Do you have the “gift of gab”? Can you sew or build? Are you a great cook? Can you carry a tune? Do you have the ability to put others at ease? All these (and more) are spiritual gifts – special talents – given by God, to be used in His service. Let us help you find where your special talent can be used within the church. Contact the church office and the staff will assist you in matching your talents with one or more of our ministry opportunities.
We are so blessed! We live and work in a thriving community in a rich and prosperous country. Even in tough economic times such as these, we look around us and find that we really “want” for very little. We, as Christians, are called to share this treasure with those in need. Financial gifts to Calvary are used to develop and continue our ministries, sharing God’s love with others, as well as being sent directly to mission fields to help those in greater need than ourselves. Sharing your treasure with others through your contributions to Calvary ensures that God’s work continues to grow and thrive through Calvary. Each fall Calvary embarks on a stewardship campaign designed to encourage “giving for life”. This giving includes time and talent, as well as treasure. Treasure, or financial support, can be shared through regular giving via offering envelopes, on a one-time basis, through electronic giving, or in perpetuity through our Mission Endowment Fund.
Putting It All Together